TrestleTree Health Coaches are highly trained healthcare professionals who are experts in behavior change for the less motivated. There is a true gift in moving participants along the continuum of change, even when they don't see the path themselves. Today's Story of Success illustrates how the Coach-Participant relationship can be leveraged to achieve great success in the less motivated population.
This TrestleTree participant smoked cigarettes regularly and had made several unsuccessful quit attempts before engaging in health coaching. He shared with his Health Coach that he didn’t want to address his smoking issues anymore because of stress and a busy lifestyle. Despite his initial doubt, he agreed to discuss it and try an app designed to help with tobacco use as a complement to the coaching. He and his Health Coach focused on a sustainable plan for quitting, and the participant eventually reduced the number of cigarettes he was smoking daily. With renewed confidence in himself, he approached his doctor and was prescribed Chantix and a nicotine inhaler. With these supports in place, along with a solid quit plan, he chose his quit date and has been tobacco-free ever since! He tapered off Chantix and the nicotine inhaler, and he continues to meet with his Health Coach to work on his other health goals, along with sustaining his quit!